   Anno XI 
Mercoledì 27 Novembre 2024
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Scritto da Redazione
13 Marzo 2021

Visite: 126

Unbelievable, but true! Just 15 years old YouTube has become a video behemoth of today's digital culture. The numbers don't lie. The growth of YouTube is unparalleled in views, videos, users, revenue, etc. We can say that YouTube is not just a video platform; it is an inseparable part of everyone's daily life.

Let's check some fast facts to discover how this video giant is taking up the digital space.
● YouTube is the second most visited digital platform in the world.
● YouTube gets 265 million monthly active users.
● 1,300,000,000 people use YouTube at present.
● Almost 5 billion videos are watched every single day on YouTube.
● Around 300 hours of video are uploaded on YouTube every minute!
● YouTube is available in 76 different languages.

Feeling excited to harness the power of YouTube but don't know how to create a YouTube
channel? Worry not! Here is a step by step guide to help you get started.
1. Create a Google account -
If you use Gmail, Google Play, or any other Google service, you already have a Google
account. You can use the same account to move ahead with the next step. Don't worry
about the privacy of your existing Google account. The name, email address, and other
details associated with your existing Google account will not be publicly linked. The account
is just the key to unlock the door of the YouTube world.
Worry not, if you are new to the World Wide Web and don't have a Google account yet. You
can get one easily. Visit Google. Then click on 'Create an Account' and fill the needed details
in the given form and tap on 'Next' to get a Google account.
2. Create your YouTube channel:
Once you have set up your Google account, it is time to create your YouTube channel.

● Visit the homepage of YouTube.
● Click on the user icon on the upper-right corner.
● Go to the drop-down menu, and select "My Channel."
● Here, fill out the essential information with your brand name to create a
corporate channel, or with your name to create a personal channel.
● Click 'Create Channel.'
● If you already have a channel but want to create a new channel, click on the
user icon, go to the drop-down menu, and select 'Settings.' Here, click on
'Create a New Channel' and YouTube will promptly drop you into your new
channel dashboard.

Congratulations! In just a few clicks of your mouse, you have created your empire on this
video giant platform and become a part of YouTube's momentous video world.
3. Customize your channel:
Now, your YouTube channel is ready. Next what? Creating a channel is just like covering half
of the entire journey. You should customize it to get the most out of it.

For the customization, go to your channel and click on the 'Customize channel.' Here you
can set a strong brand identity for your channel by adding a profile pic, description, channel
art, contact info, links, etc.
● Set a profile picture: Click on your profile icon and upload a picture while adjusting
the cropping. Your brand's logo or anything that can communicate with your
business is a good choice for a corporate channel. For instance, if you are into real
estate ads, you can add a profile picture of skyrocketing buildings, luxurious
properties, etc.
● Add a description: Remember, your channel description is your bio. It allows you to
tell people why you are here. It helps people know what you stand for, who you are,
and why they should subscribe to your channel and watch your videos. Thus, add a
short, crisp, and catchy description to your channel. The bio can include essential
information like your email address, your website or social sites' links, and so on. But
most importantly, it should add a compelling reason that can attract people to your
channel. Ask yourself, What are your goals? and write down a crisp description for
your channel.
● Add links: Now add custom or social links to your sites. For instance, you can add
social links to Instagram or Twitter and custom links to a business website or
blogging site.
● Create a channel art: Customizing your YouTube channel with channel art is a great
way to present a strong brand identity and stand out from the crowd. Do not leave
the default art on your YouTube channel. It is unbranded and boring.
Adding channel art is easy. Go to the YouTube homepage, click on the pencil icon in the top
right corner to add channel art.
● Add contact details: Don't forget to add your contact details while customizing your
channel. Go to the "About" section, scroll down to "Details" and fill the essential
● Include a channel trailer: Often, people overlook adding a channel trailer while
setting up an account, but it is not a good practice. Your channel trailer is one of the
most influential aspects that attract new viewers to your account and give them a
clear idea of what types of vlogs you create.
Navigate to "Customize channel" and go to the tab "For new visitors." Here, click on
"Channel trailer" and select your video that you want to save as an auto-play video for the
new visitors who have not yet subscribed to your channel. Click on "Save."
4. Upload your first video:
Now you have created and customized your YouTube channel. It is time to upload your very
first vlog and make your presence count in the video world.

● Go to your YouTube channel.
● Click on the icon of a video camera at the top of your screen.
● Here you can either upload a pre-produced video blog or go live.

Creating a YouTube channel is pretty simple. Right? Now that you know the steps to create
your channel, it is time to make a move.

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